FAQs Frequently asked questions

  • Does this treatment work for everybody?

    Yes: Women, Men, Children, Young Adults, Adults, Elderly.

  • How often do I need a treatment?

    Once a week - The magnets that are used for the electrical stimulation stop working after 6 - 7 days of being applied.

  • How long does the treatment last?

    Varies per patient and on the kind of condition that is being treated. For weight loss, we continue the treatment once a week until we achieve the desired goal. The goal that we try to establish is personal in each case. For medical conditions other than weight loss, the minimum amount of treatments is 6 - 8 weeks ( we often see treatments lasting up to 6 months).

  • Can I still take my prescribed medications?

    Yes. This treatment can be implemented along with your existing prescription drug regimen. Since the magnets do not contain any drugs, there is no risk of interference. Auriculotherapy performs as the perfect complement treatment in combination with prescribed medications.

  • Can I expect any kind of negative side effects?


  • For weight loss, how much can I expect to loose?

    That depends on your own system. Since we are not using any kind of artificial means, the result will vary according to the response of your own metabolism, but all patients experience loses in both weight and size.

  • Is the treatment expensive?

    No, one of the benefits of this treatment is that it is extremely affordable for everyone.

  • Does the price vary depending on the condition to be treated?


  • Can more than one condition be treated at the same time?

    Yes, but in order to achieve the best results, it is recommended to treat no more than three conditions simultaneously.

Mission Statement

To help our patients achieve wellness and good health in non-invasive and natural way!
Dr. Aaron Goldberg, D.D.S



218 Pat Booker Rd
San Antonio, Texas 78148

Phone: 210-846-0209

Email: drgoldberg@naturalwaysa.com